
MangaThorg is the result of a middle-term assignment in my first year of computer science studies.

It is a website using an API to serve and display its contents. It is like a web frontend of an API, with some personal adjustments and features added to the mix.

This project made me discover what is an API and how useful it can be to deploy services to clients of any type over the network.

The Project

For this assignment, I chose an API dedicated to mangas: MangaDex.

During the long process of development, I learned a lot of things:

  • the magic of middlewares
  • cookies and cookie-based sessions
  • the downsides of using JSON as a database
  • Figma for front-end modelling
  • SCSS as a CSS extension for organizing and nesting your selectors.

I am quite proud of my front-end on this project, even if it’s not quite responsive, but for desktop browsing, the experience is good, in my opinion.

You can find the code in my Github repository.